Specialty Services:
Medical Intuitive healing for the physical body
Astral body healing
Past and parallel life information and clearing
Contract and agreement updating or clearing
Specific energy balancing including Male/Female, Kundalini, and Hara line
Akashic record work including energetic structure replacement
Foreign energy and entity attachment removal and clearing
Cord removal and clearing
Soul retrieval
Integration of shadow and trauma energies
A Psychic Reading can provide:
A safe space to begin the healing process
An opportunity to connect with your spirit's profound wisdom and guidance
A detailed look at your life from a spiritual perspective
A deeper understanding of your gifts, talents, and life purpose
Illumination of unconscious patterns and belief systems
Alignment and clearing of your energetic bodies
Practical steps to continue healing on your own
An Ancestral Reading can provide:
Connection to and understanding of ancestral lineages
Healing of generational trauma
Healing for future generations
Introduction to the gatekeepers of your lineages
Help for sick ancestors so that they are not draining your energy
Healing of deeply ingrained and stuck patterns at the DNA level
Alignment and clearing of your ancestral lineages
Practical steps to continue healing on your own
A Psychic or Ancestral reading cannot provide:
An entire life’s worth of healing in one session
Healing for other people without their permission
Advice i.e. “You should leave your job or marriage.”
Future predictions – while guidance on the future is possible, predicting the future is not aligned with my practice. It is important to note that every choice you make affects the future and that many other factors can increase the timeline's malleability. Therefore, I see more benefit in focusing on creating the future rather than trying to predict it.
Medical or psychiatric diagnoses